The light at the end of the tunnel seems so dim,
So dim that it doesn't seem to be worth the fight,
The fight and struggle to reach for it.
The tunnel is soaked with all kinds of filth,
No air,
Sticky mud,
Heavy stinging stenches that even make my eyes watery and choke me n thereby making the struggle all the more difficult.
What should prevent me from taking the shortcut out...
I ges its just my councience that has kept me alive this far as it is very alive..
Much more alive than i know,
And today was also a great day in the tunnel as i found company,
A shoulder to lean on and this was very motivating,
For a moment i dint lack air,
Get stuck in the mud,
Nor even feel the stinging stench!
I don't think i'l be thinking about the shortcut anytime soon.
Thanx to you my friend from the tunnel.